Bounce House Repairs

How much should you be paying for a Bounce House Rental in Hanford, Ca and surrounding cities?
Additionally, most companies will charge a delivery fee, which can vary based on the distance and location they need to travel to reach your venue. Remember, even if you are only 30 minutes away, that company has to drive a total of 2 hrs of drive time to help you with your party due to the 2 full round trips involved with delivering and then picking up, assuming they have no other rentals going your direction. Some companies will take the costs of what they have to pay staff for that travel time when coming up with a Travel Fee Charge. It's a good idea to contact several reputable and established rental companies in your area to compare their rates and delivery fees. This will help you find the best deal that fits your budget while ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for your event.
Beware of any companies charging less then the amounts stated above for inflatables, especially if they are asking for deposits up front to be paid through a 3rd Party Service such as Zelle, Venmo and Cashapp, as they most likely ain't very reputable and its very unlikely that they carry insurance. Please research the Businees real well before handing them any of your hard earned money. I can't tell you how many times we had to save a family after becoming victim of one of these scams where they paid a deposit to a so-called company and that so-called company blocked all communications with them after they received the deposit, and never showed up on the day of their party.
Please Take a Look at our 5 Star Reviews below as we hope to earn your trust in the Jumps R Us team!

Jumps R US has everything you need for your School Carnivals and Church events
- Visalia/Goshen
- Tulare/Tipton
- Hanford/Lemoore
- Fresno/Selma
- All areas in between